Come early, stay late

Barcelona has too much to explore to not add an extra day. For those who get in early enough or are leaving later, we’ll plan some group activities with the help of some of our local friends.

Arrival Day – Sunday November 10


Sunday is the day to check in to the hotel and check out where Base Camp will happen. We open registration in the afternoon so you can get acclimated before the opening reception and dinner.

Day 1 – Monday November 11


Asking/Answering the Big Questions sessions:

    • What is driving all this change for publishers?
    • What comes first: data, audiences, buyers, or revenue?
    • What does success even look like at this point?
    • Can pubs work together in meaningful ways?

We will kick off the day with our keynote, Will Page

Navigating the Headwinds of Publishing

Publishing continues to find itself drifting towards a Bermuda Triangle where three forces tug it in different directions. There’s the threat and opportunity of bundling with big tech. Then there’s the perennial risk of free news undermining consumers’ willingness to pay. Finally, there’s the DIY risk, where the publishers’ best writers opt to do it themselves on Substack. None of these forces are helpful, nor will they go away, so ignore them at your peril. Will Page, Author and Former Chief Economist at Spotify, will frame the threats and opportunities in a way that helps you think about framing scenarios that affect your business as they play out.

Then we dive into the Making it Happen sessions:

    • Data strategies (organized by pub size, sales approach, and level of sophistication)
    • AI impact and implementation
    • What can drive revenue now
    • Privacy/Consent strategies

Publishing is about relationships, and so we’ll discuss our relationships with our teams, management, audiences, and ad tech. We’ll also have a track of “going deep” topics that will delve into one topic as deeply as we can. Specifics to be announced.

We’ll finish the day with a dinner you’ll tell your grandkids about.


Day 2 – Tuesday November 12

Tuesday Morning

Tuesday will include a new addition to Base Camp in the form of publisher-led case studies. Whether it’s working with a specific partner, association, or an internal project, we’ll have pubs share their work and then dive into group discussions on relevant topics. We can’t wait to see what people want to share!

Tuesday Afternoon / Evening

While it’s understood that our events are content-focused, someone will inevitably tell us that the Tuesday activities were their favorite part. Plus we are talking about Barcelona. Follow that with another amazing meal and it’s going to be epic.

Day 3 – WEDNESDAY November 13


We’re scouring the interwebs for someone to kick off Wednesday and make it magical. Stay tuned on that front. Until then, our current plan is to spend some time concentrating on the buy side, specifically what the buy side knows about us that we might not know ourselves.

We’ll follow that with a discussion about ensuring that this group’s POV extends beyond the confines of our conference time. We will make noise. We will be heard.